What is smoke?
Smoking is an addiction or tension. Could lead to serious damage to the health of smoking and death. Pull the liquor or tobacco. Origin of tobacco plants in North and South America. The tobacco leaf is cured of pages. In 1218 the tobacco plant is tall. Grossing of substance addiction. Nicotine
addiction is one of the key components of tobacco types were
Neurotoxins (a neurotoxin), but nicotine in tobacco smoke contain many
cancer-yielding, highly Poisonous tobacco products, tobacco and a
cigarette, there is as much, if it enters the body is completely chew
was playing, it is inevitable early death. However, as a result of smoke slowly and gradually reduced life
expectancy because of the tendency to lie not only cancer, heart disease
is also.
The effects of smoking on the body:
Tobacco smoke is very harmful to your health. Smoking is not a safe way. Cigarettes contain more than 600 components. They entered it, they, according to the American Lung Association, more than 7,000 chemical products. At least 69 of those chemicals are toxic and can cause cancer in them. Many of the same ingredients found in tobacco, cigars and pipes and hookahs used. According to the National Cancer Institute, cigars, cigarettes and a high of cancer, the level of toxins, and to tar. As
a result of smoking, cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases,
and heart disease, premature death, as well as responsible for different
diseases. 480,000 and 100,000 people in the UK, the United States die of smoking every year. US
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the $ 92 billion as a
result of smoking-related deaths per year in lost Entertainment
gechebarsika lost more than 2.4 million deaths in the United States, the
largest cause of preventable deaths in the world srstadhumapana by
smoking.1 over 480,000. A recent study of smokers in the environment that may undermine the health of non-smokers are also available. 30
May 2013 Medical News Today published an article online, on average
smokers die ten years sooner than non-smoking, represents- data
demonstrating that the United States, the death rate for smokers,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the three
people who do not smoke. It is the leading cause of preventable death in the A.
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in the world. According to the American Lung Association, smoking causes 90% of female lung cancer patients suffer from the disease. In addition, male smokers to develop lung cancer than those who do not smoke are 23 times more likely. Male smokers to develop lung cancer than those who have not smoked.2 are 13 times more likely to
In addition to lung cancer, smokers are at greater risk of developing a significantly: Cigarette ash tray80% of lung cancer deaths among women smoking and lung cancer deaths in men and 90% (American Lung Association) contribution.
- Bladder Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Pharynx and larynx (throat cancer) cancers
- Mouth cancer
- esophageal cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Some types of leukemia
- Cancer of the nose and sinuses
- cervical cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- In some cases, breast cancer
What are the signs and symptoms of oral cancer?

- Usually red or red and white of the face or tongue, the lining of the patch on.
- Mouth ulcers that will not go away.
- A sore that does not heal.
- Swelling of the face that for three weeks.
- A lump or thickening of the lining of the mouth or skin.
- Pain when swallowing.
- For no obvious reason loosening teeth (tooth).
- Dentures do not fit properly.
- Jaw pain.
- Jaw stiffness.
- sore throat.
- A sensation that something is stuck in your throat.
- Painful tongue.
- A hoarse voice.
- Neck pain that does not go away.
How long does it take to smoking cause cancer?
It usually cause cancer DNA damage from smoking for many years, or decades, takes time. Our bodies are designed to deal with a bit of damage, but the body of
harmful chemicals of tobacco
smoke is making it difficult to cope with.Cigarettes can damage the DNA in cells of the lung, but it's the same cell damage that can lead to cancer, is to build up. The research can be turned every 15 cigarettes a cancer cell, which is a change in the DNA have been shown to smoking. It is better to give up smoking sooner rather than later why this is.Sexuality and Reproductive System:Restricted blood flow can affect the ability of a man to get an erection. Difficulty achieving orgasm in both men and women who smoke have a high risk of infertility may have. Women who smoke than nonsmoking women may be at an earlier age of menopause. Smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer in a woman.
Smokers abortion, problems with the placenta, and more complications in pregnancy, including premature births, experience.Pregnant mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have a baby with low birth weight. Underweight pregnant, birth defects, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) have a greater risk of the children of mothers who smoke. Newborns who breathe secondhand smoke suffer more ear infections and asthma attacks.
Reasons to overcome major health threat to quit smoking.
1. smelling like smoke2. Sense3. premature aging4. Social Pressure5. Finding a mate6. Impotence7. Increased Infection8. You're a danger to others9. Cost
"It's a bad habit to put aside not only important to think of this as almost all smokers but for their entire lives that need to be addressed as a chronic disease," Fiore said. And more than that there is no better time to start the process.